Saturday, September 21, 2013

The Control Freak

  • They call him Bus Driver- he tells everyone where to get off.
  • He married his secretary. thinking he'd continue to dictate to her.
  • She believes in law and order, just as long as she can lay down the law and give orders.

The Control Freak is invasive, sabotaging, rigid, manipulative, arrogant, aggressive, forceful, backstabbing, bulldozing, self-righteous, meddling, confrontational, dogmatic, egotistical, obstinate, pushy, unreasonable, stubborn, selfish, unaware, threatened, threatening, disrespecting, uncommunicative, stubborn, tenacious, and unevolved.

Much like Bitchy, Bossy Bullies, they are immobilized if not in control. However unlike Bullies, they don't always use anger or meanness to get what they want. Control Freaks often use sweet talk and manipulation.

Control Freaks are not team players and have difficulty delegating authority, as they try to do everything themselves. If things don't go their way, they get angry or lose interest, for for they feel they must orchestrate every move. They set themselves up for lives filled with frustration and disappointment by never going with the flow. Instead they force things to happen, and when things don't go their rigid way they panic and become either angrier or more manipulative.


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